Click above to be taken to a .pdf copy of the January 2020 edition of the Idaho Driver's Manual.
Idaho Driver's Manual (Español)
Haz clic arriba para ver una copia .pdf de la edición de noviembre de 2017 del Manual del Conductor de Idaho.
Ada County DMV
Visit the Ada County DMV section of the Idaho Transportation Department to find more information about registration, driver's licenses, and more.
Idaho Transportation Department
Visit the official Idaho Transportation Department's website for general transportation and DMV info, as well as road information.
Alive at 25
Alive at 25 is a 4 1/2 hour course for young drivers between the ages of 15 - 24, and was created to save lives through education. Click above to learn more.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is dedicated to ending drunk driving. They educate drivers, support victims, and advocate for greater accountability through legislation. Click above to learn how you can make a difference.